Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
At MakeupBox, your privacy is a priority. Below, we outline how we collect, use, and share personal information, including your rights to control the use of your information.
Collection of Personal Information
We collect personal information from your interactions with our website and services. This includes data gathered through cookies and similar technologies to enhance your browsing experience and personalize the content you see.
Sharing of Personal Information
We may share your personal information with third-party partners, such as advertisers, to provide you with relevant ads across other websites. This sharing is done to improve your overall user experience and for purposes outlined in our full privacy policy.
Targeted Advertising and Your Privacy Rights
In compliance with certain U.S. state privacy laws, sharing personal information for targeted advertising purposes may be categorized as “sales,” “sharing,” or “targeted advertising.” Depending on your location, you may have the right to opt out of these activities.
Exercising Your Opt-Out Rights
If you prefer to opt out of the "sale" or "sharing" of your personal information for targeted advertising:
- Enable the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal on your browser, and we will honor it as a request to opt out of data activities that fall under these categories for the device and browser you are using.
- Ensure you are browsing from one of the applicable U.S. states where these privacy rights apply.
Contact Us
If you have questions about this policy or need further assistance regarding your privacy rights, please contact us at
MakeupBox is committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring transparency about how we handle your information. Thank you for trusting us.